Sunday, April 02, 2006

Freedom of Information

V for Vendetta is a great film. Particularly with good friends in the best IMAX theater on the planet. What makes this film great? One line...

The security of information is paramount.

In context of this film the analogy is downright terrifying. It is the question of whether or not we are, at this very moment, seeing the first phase of the new world war. A war not fought with tank or a gun, but rather in our minds, in our fears, a war fought on ability to access information itself?

We talk a lot in IT about the information age/economy. Google gobbles rows of libraries every second. Open source movements go head to head over the access to DNA of our modern tools every day. Cluetrain throws a shot straight across the bow of the traditional corporate concept. And governments dare us to challenge them in ongoing efforts to protect from our own fears.

What if it were all connected somehow?

This is a movie for the ages. Ours. Watch it. Then give a listen to a different kind speech from another kind of "V". It doesn't take much to connect the dots.

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