Thursday, August 13, 2009


The only thing impossible is this world is not learning something incredible when you walk to the edge, push a bit harder, go beyond your comfort zone. The mind is elastic, the heart in motion, neither intended to sit idle, hardened by habit or molded by monotony, but rather to continually evolve and expand by exposure to new experiences and the vast wonder of this playground we call "earth."

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.

Helen Keller

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

FastTrac Day 1

It has been a long time since I wrote here last, yet it feels like only yesterday. Amazing how fast a summer can go by. But befitting that on the sunset of my first FastTrac class tonight that I should dive back into jotting down some thoughts. If this class is any indication, there will be many more to come.

First thing is this, here is a class on business that mirrors much of what an entrepreneurship/startup biz class might cover, yet...
  1. Costs less
  2. Brings in actual, local business people to tell their story
  3. Focuses on real end-products with direct WIIFM for participants (tested business plan)
  4. Directs participants to collaborate, work together during/after class
  5. Provides 1 coach for every 2 students (1:2 vs 1:50 class ratio)
In tandem to Josh Kaufman's Personal MBA and Seth Godin's Alternative MBA concepts, I wonder what it is about these concepts that is so hard for most colleges and classrooms to grasp...
  • Cooperation over competition
  • Mentors over lectures
  • Real-world biz stories over outdated textbook case studies
In the very first 3 hour class session, I heard at least a 1/2 dozen inspiring stories of folks who simply went out and did something, perhaps failed, but continually persisted in pursuing their passion to create a real systems that generate greater value and efficiency than the status quo could ever dream of... often with little more than handful of partners.

Never apologize for being small, the biggest ideas often emerge from the smallest in size.