Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Chicago Reflections

Back home again and it's immediately evident how the diversity of a big city like Chicago is abundantly absent out here in Connecticut. I've lamented on this to friends in Boston at times, how strikingly white Beantown is. Of course, Boston's like NYC - you don't bash the Beans. So I get two reactions to my statement: (1) What the hell are you talking about? (2) Compared to what?

Well 2006 is the year of travel and the more places you visit the more you start to make distinctions. I like distinctions. I like differences. They show us how much more there is to understand about the world. I believe familiarity leads to stagnation. We all prefer the familiar at times, but in the face of how much more to see and know in the world? If not now, when? Others said it better...

"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility." Albert Einstein

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