Saturday, January 06, 2007


What is the distinction between spending time thinking up ways to Save Money versus spending time thinking up ways to Build Wealth?

Consider this... time is of the highest currency. It has no exchange rate. No conversion. It moves forward only. We live it, we love it, or look back one day wondering if we lost it. Knowing this, what we spend our time thinking about is the highest form of currency exchange possible. It precedes all else.

Saving Money is the way many of us with Depression-era parents were brought up. It focuses on building budgets, reducing desires, investing for 3.125% returns. Dialogue centers around dollars. It's easy to forget how paper, cloth, and a bit of green dye are little more than someone else's creation, someone else's idea. A carrot on a stick is also an idea, an idea that provides the currency needed to keep race horses running in circles time and time again.

The problem, of course, is that money is just an idea. As such, Saving Money escapes the larger truth: if money is just an idea, then an idea is money. Think. How much time do you spend investing in your ideas versus someone else's? How many years would you spend chasing the carrot versus growing the circle?

Building Wealth goes much further than Saving Money. One is proactive, one is reactive. One individual, one universal. One runs in circles, one expands the circle itself.

What market are you in?

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