failure to send out any tax bill shall not invalidate the tax.Take a gander at this fine piece of work. It almost makes sense... for a second. Then you read down further. "Ohh... there's what I need, I can click the little 'click here' link to see what I owe." Except that clicking on that little "click here" to look up current year taxes bring up simply, "page not found." So you are back at square one.
We, the city tax office, have every right to totally F-up your taxes, duck behind the curtain for cinematic appeal, pull them out of a hat with a silver bunny, then go on vacation for the entire year... oh but please know that it is still your responsibility to pay your unknown sum by an unknown date in lieu of undocumented taxes.There are few things in life that thoroughly and completely confuse me beyond any hope of comprehension, few things that appear totally broken by their mere nature. Congratulations city government, you just made the short list.
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