Hearst Castle (clic4pics)
Start off the day with one of the most talked-about stops off the coast: Hearst Castle. Ticket guy rec's Tour 1. The positive is there's everything you can imagine of Rennaissance-era here. Ceilings pre-dating Columbus carted in and custom-installed, 500 year old fireplaces standing 30 feet tall, and a massive cross-bred pool clashing Hollywood and Rome. The downside? Your need 3 other tours to see the whole shabang and each one's $24, non-sequential. Fact is this is not even really a castle, just a once-summer camp of Willam Randall Hearst, turned big-house-on-the-hill, turned living art gallery. Fascinating, but not as much as what came next...
Route 1 Cali Coastline (clic4pics)
There's simply nothing like this anywhere. Traveling up the Pacific coastline showcased by California's Route 1 stretch from San Simeone to San Francisco is like nothing I've ever seen. Massive rock walls stretching hundreds of feel down into the crashing ocean waves below. Beach after beach. Canyon after canyon. Narrow, hair pin roads that make 30 mph seem downright terrifying. People said go 101, it's faster. People are seriously missing out on the most beautiful, awe-inspiring drives - anywhere. Everyone, at least once in their lifetime should make this drive.
Bixby Bridge
Along the Big Sur coastline. Hard to miss out on this one. A perfect example of form and function, man matching nature. Words cannot describe this place. You can almost see the early settlers coming over the top of those mountains, looking out over the ocean, the end of the world as they knew it. What a journey. What an experience.
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