Coming out of work late to see a blinding wall of water amidst an ocean of breaking sunshine. Looked out a bit further and there the most fabulous rainbow just hanging around in the sky.
After chasing it around campus a bit I found myself out by Horsebarn Hill. Apparently even the horses love those little green men because they were just galloping around the fields under fading rainbow beams chasing them for now reason at all.
I mean its a Friday for crying out loud. You'd think these horses would have something better to do than chase these grumpy Irish faerie men around all afternoon. Strange things.
Other cars stopped by to watch this amazing scene too. Several in fact. A small crowd of strangers putting aside horse brushings and drives home to catch a glimpse of something magical. People with mouths open like a fireworks display on the 4th. Popping out of cars snapping photos and then back in and off again.
Leprechauns aside. It's an odd place this point and shoot world we live in. Staying just long enough to capture a moment. Perhaps not quite enough to savor.
I stayed a little longer. Sometimes these leprechauns have a bit more to share about the world than a 3 second point and shoot can capture.